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Importing Horses and other equidae into Hawaii:


It is our goal  to ensure all health requirements are met before your horses departure....We have an extensive network of veterinarians both in Hawaii and California available to make sure all import/export requirements are met in a timely manner.  

A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) is required for ALL animals arriving in Hawaii. The certificate must be signed by a State, Federal, or accredited veterinarian; it must be seven or fewer days old; and must attest that all requirements have been fulfilled. CVI must include the physical address or location for the point of origin of movement, and the physical address or location for the point of destination.




All horses must travel with original CVI or a copy of the digital CVI

If a CVI needs to be re-done due to delays or errors please send all prior CVI's along with the current CVI when horse is in travel.


Horses and other equidae must meet the following requirements in order to be imported to Hawaii:


  • Originate in an area or county in which equine encephalomyelitis has not occurred in the six-month period prior to shipment.

  • Vaccinated with a USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service approved equine encephalomyelitis vaccine recommended in the area of origin, no less than 15 days before shipment.

  • Tested for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) by an USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service approved laboratory within 90 days of shipment.

  • Importer is required to have imported horse retested for EIA 45 – 60 days after entry

  • Thoroughly sprayed or sponged with an insecticide approved for use on horses at a concentration that kills ticks.


****Include the following statements on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI):

Animals are free of external parasites.


“I personally inspected the horse(s) on this CVI and found them to be free of ticks and they have been treated for ticks prophylactically at the time of inspection with a topical pyrethroid or another equine tick treatment product.”

Vesicular Stomatitis (VS)


The following statement is to appear on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) for all livestock entering Hawaii from States currently affected with Vesicular Stomatitis for the duration of the VS outbreaks.


“I have examined all the animals identified on this certificate within 72 hours of shipment date and found them to be free from signs of Vesicular Stomatitis (VS). During the last thirty (30) days, these animals have not been exposed to VS nor located on a VS confirmed or a VS suspected premises.”


Equine Piroplasmosis

Effective November 12, 2009 and until further notice all horses imported into the State of Hawaii from States with officially diagnosed cases of Equine Piroplamosis shall be accompanied by a CVI which states:


“I personally inspected the horse(s) on this CVI and found them to be free of ticks and they have been treated for ticks prophylactically at the time of inspection with a topical pyrethroid or another equine tick treatment product.”


Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Animal Industry Division (808) 483-7100 (Importing horses/livestock page) (access to state import requirements for livestock)

Hawaii Office Business hours 808-483-7113

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